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Project customer
Odessa National Art Museum is a state art museum located in the center of Odessa, in the building of the Naryshkin family estate, a monument of architecture of the early XIX century.
The collection of the Odessa Art Museum, one of the largest museums in Ukraine, reflects the main milestones in the history of national art. The museum’s collection includes more than 10,000 works of art from different eras and art schools – from icon painting of the XVI century to the works of contemporary Ukrainian artists.
From October 14, 2021 has the status of national.
Tasks of the project
The task of this project is to perform 3D digitization and 3D printing of 5 museum exhibits to enable people with visual impairments to feel the dimensions of printed exhibits, their shapes.
Ways task completion
After talking with the customer, we decided to use photogrammetry technology, which allows you to get high detail and authentic appearance of museum exhibits. After 3D digitization using 3D modeling, we optimized the scanned 3D models before starting 3D printing. Then the exhibits were printed out and sent to the customer.
Applied technologies
Reality Capture
Results of 3D printing
Results of 3D Digitization work
Exhibition of digitized and printed exhibits
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